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Chintan on The Indian Liberal Tradition

Event Date: 08 Oct 2014; Time: 4-5.30pm
Venue: CCS Office (A-69, Hauz Khas)

It is often believed that ideas of economic freedom and reforms are “not Indian” and have been imported from the West under circumstances outside our control (such as the balance of payments crisis necessitating the economic reforms of 1991 at IMF's behest). However, research into modern Indian history showcases the rich indigenous liberal tradition that stood against ideas of a planned economy and society. Kumar Anand will present these findings at CCS Chintan on 8 October at the CCS office. Join us!

RSVP Manasi Bose ( | +91 98107 72964). Seats limited.

Colloquium on Education: Philosophy, Policy, and Practice

Event Date: 22 Aug To 24 Aug 2014; Time: N/A
Venue: Jaipur

It is rarely questioned whether education is a legitimate role of the state. Yet there are good reasons to be critical of government involvement in education. In recent decades, it has become clear that state central planning lacks the knowledge and flexibility required to achieve its objectives. Decentralised, evolutionary systems that enable diversity, trial and error, feedback, and competition have been shown to lead to more dynamic improvement both in theory and in practice. So why are people so uncritical about the idea of a one-size-fits-all, top down, bureaucratic system of schooling?

CCS Colloquium is a two-day (three nights) residential program and forum for in-depth discussion centred on a chosen theme. The Colloquium provides participants an opportunity to disentangle themselves from the distractions of everyday life to reflect on issues of fundamental and enduring importance. Our hope is that participants will go on to share their advanced understandings and to develop innovative ideas and approaches for the advancement of liberalism today.

For more details click here.

Chintan on ‘Creating a Liberal Political Movement in India’

Event Date: 01 Aug 2014; Time: 2-3.30pm
Venue: CCS Office, A-69, Hauz Khas

It is our pleasure to invite you to CCS Chintan. We are hosting Sanjeev Sabhlok on 1 August 2014 to discuss the need and potential for creating a liberal political movement in India.

Sanjeev is a former IAS Officer. In that role, he served as the District Magistrate of Dhubri, Professor of Management (Deputy Director) at the National Academy of Administration, and Secretary to the Governments of Assam and Meghalaya. His work in the IAS brought to light the fact that the source India’s challenges is bad policy, which cannot be changed by existing leaders or bureaucrats. He has, since then, been involved in forming national liberal political party to provide a political alternative to the current system. He is the Founder of the Freedom Team of India and an integral part of the Sone ki Chidiya movement which is aimed at achieving good governance in India, and ending the era of corruption and injustice. Sanjeev is also the author of Breaking Free of Nehru.

We look forward to your presence at this important discussion. Please RSVP to Manasi Bose ( | +91 98107 72964). Due to space limitations, this is an invitation-only event.

Friedman Legacy Day 2014: Debate Competition

Event Date: 31 Jul 2014; Time: 4:00-7:00 pm
Venue: CCS Office, A-69 Hauz Khas, 110016

For event report click here.

Milton Friedman's Ideas and Centre for Civil Society's Vision and Mission are synonymous to each other, rather complementary. Choice for the individual and accountability of the Institution is at the core of our Vision/Mission statement.

We plan to host a debate competition and casual high tea, concluding with cake cutting on the eve of 31 July 2014.

Time: 4:00-7:00 pm
Venue: CCS Office, A-69 Hauz Khas, 110016

Topic:- India’s slow growth is not to be found in its religious or social attitudes, or in the quality of its people, but rather in the economic policy that India has adopted. Are Milton Friedman's Ideas relevant and applicable in India today?

The rules for the debate are fairly simple:

  1. A team shall consist of two participants, one for the motion and one against
  2. Each participant will be allowed 3 minutes speaking time.
  3. The first warning bell will be rung at 2 mins, followed by a final bell at 3 mins.
  4. There is no penalty for exceeding time, however a participant will not be allowed to continue speaking after 3 minutes.
  5. Prizes will be allocated as follows:-
    • Best Speaker (For the motion). Rs. 3,000
    • Best Speaker (Against the motion). Rs. 3,000
    • Best Team (The team with the highest total once individual participant points have been clubbed). Rs. 5,000
    • Best Interjector (Could be anyone, from the participants or the attendees). Rs. 1,000
  6. The debate is an open event and anybody can participate. The team can be a mix of college and working professionals.
  7. Registration is on first come first serve basis. There are only 15 team slots available.

One can access a collection of articles written by Milton Friedman on the Indian economy during his visits to India in the fifties and sixties. The articles provide Friedman’s critiques on the policies of central planning and correctly predict their disastrous results.

For any other queries, please feel free to contact Daphne Vallado - | +91-9910667576

Chintan on ‘Market-based Solutions to Public Policy’

Event Date: 22 Jul 2014; Time: 4-6pm
Venue: CCS Office, A-69, Hauz Khas

We are pleased to announce that our Chintan with Tom Palmer on ‘Market-based Solutions to Public Policy’ is back on! Tom is Vice President for International Programs at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation , and General Director of the Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity will be at CCS on Tuesday, 22 July. He is the author of Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice, and has edited a number of publications, including After the Welfare State and The Morality of Capitalism.

Join us! Seats are limited, so please RSVP via email at the earliest to Manasi Bose ( | +91 98107 72964).