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School Choice National Conference 2015

Event Date: 19 Dec 2015; Time: 09:00am-06:00pm
Venue: India Habitat Centre

To read the event report click here.

School Choice National Conference 2015

Media Coverage: Print | Online | Event Photographs

Ensuring quality education to all is the key to take India into league of superpower. Improving status of education is further more important to the entire world as every sixth human on planet earth happens to be from India. Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), Government of India is working on developing New Education Policy (NEP). The last NEP was brought out in 1986 and later amended in 1992. MHRD aims to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to eliminate the shortage of manpower. The objective of the upcoming NEP therefore is to meet the changing needs of quality education, innovation and research. In this context, the 2015 School Choice National Conference will be dedicated to debating and merits and proposing improvements to the New Education Policy.

The School Choice is an initiative of Centre for Civil Society to advocate element of competition in education space through policy reform. The goal of the School Choice is to create an environment where every child has the Right to Education of Choice. School Choice National Conference (SCNC) is an annual event that provides a much needed platform to identify critical issues in the education sector, review existing programs, and explore strategies to face the challenges ahead and ideate on ingenious solutions to provide quality education to all children in India. The objectives of SCNC are two-fold:

  1. Bring together educationists, planners, policy experts, activists and government officials to discuss and debate various dimensions of education policy in India.
  2. Showcase innovative models that foster an enabling education ecosystem.

Various studies and reports present struggling state of education in country. Drafting national level education policy is an exercise that takes place once in two to three decades and would decide the future of educational landscape in country. In this context the theme of this year SCNC will be New Education Policy. The conference will focus on areas of policy reform that need to be streamlined towards achieving choice for students and parents, autonomy for schools and teachers, and accountability of the system.

To know more or register click here.

Liberalism in India: Past, Present and Future - A Tribute to S V Raju (2015)

Event Date: 20 Nov 2015; Time: 9am - 6.30 pm
Venue: The Park Hotel, New Delhi

SV Raju MemorialTo read the storify coverage of the conference click here. The event was covered by First Post, Enadu India and Dainik Jagran.

CCS and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation are hosting a conference on ‘Liberalism in India: Past, Present and Future’ – A tribute to S V Raju, on 20 November 2015 in New Delhi. Raju was one of India’s liberal giants, and his passing earlier this year was a huge loss for the liberty movement in India. To honour his memory, and celebrate his commitment to creating a freer India, key liberal voices in the country will present papers on the past, present and future of Indian Liberalism. Speakers at the event will include Surjit Bhalla, Dr J P Narayan, R Jagannathan, Jaitirth Rao and Lord Alderice.

We have a limited number of seats, so registration is first come, first serve. Early bird registrations (register before 20 October) are INR 1,000 Conference Fee: INR 1,500. Click here for registration. Click here for the schedule and program flow. For more information click here or contact Manasi Bose ( | +91 9810772964).

O.P. Jindal Global University Hosts a 2 day Conference on Law and Liberty

Event Date: 18 Sep To 19 Sep 2015; Time: 18 to 19 Sept 2015
Venue: O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India

LAL 2015 Videos

Prashant Narang | Right to Property

Citing Manushi judgment, Advocate Prashant Narang compares the property rights of cycle rickshaw pullers, street vendors and auto rickshaw drivers and advocated for abolishing one man-one permit policy in case of auto rickshaws

Khagesh Gautam | Right to Property

Prof. Khagesh Gautam introduces his work-in-progress on an empirical study of Supreme Court Judgments involving a challenge to Article 19(1)(f) of the Indian Constitution.

James Huffman

Speaking on the 'State’s right to exercise eminent domain' and 'how the difference in the public opinion influences the judiciary to take discourses from its past judgements'. Prof. James Huffman, Erskine Wood Sr.

James Kelly | Individual Rights vs Minority Rights

Prof James Kelly, President, Solidarity Center for Law and Justice, Atlanta, Georgia USA, spoke on, ‘How liberty is being questioned or restricted in the education sector because of racial, caste, class based reservations in the

Gautam Bhatia | Individual Rights v. Minority Rights

Advocate Gautam Bhatia analyses the conflict between Article 25(1) (the individual freedom of conscience) and Article 26 (the rights of religious denominations to manage their own affairs) with focus, in particular, on the D

Vikramjit Banerjee | Individual Rights vs Minority Rights

Advocate Vikramjit Banerjee maps the various phases/ avatars of Indian Constitution and thinks, post-2014 elections, there is possibility of going back to individual rights and the rule of law as the basis of governance as was e

Shruti Rajgopalan | Separation of Powers

What happens when Judiciary breaches Doctrine of Separation of Powers? Watch Shruti discussing a case study of Indian Judiciary and doing an economics analysis.

Shubho Roy | Separation of Powers–Judicial Activism

Shubho Roy, National Institute for Public Finance and Policy lambasts the executive for breach of Separation of Powers as most rules, notices and regulations limiting Article 19(1)(g) are not ‘law’ as per Article 13 of the Const

Arghya Sengupta | Separation of Powers–Judicial Activism

Citing numerous judgments and orders of National Green Tribunal, Arghya Sengupta, Vidhi Centre for Law and Policy criticises the tribunal for activist policy making and the ‘ban’ culture.

Dr Geeta Gouri | License-Permit Raj to Competition Era

Before introducing each panelist and respective themes, Geeta Gouri as the Moderator for the Panel Discussion raises a pertinent question - Shouldn't CCI be focussed on efficiency only instead of caring for equity?

Prof Anna Lamut | License-Permit Raj to Competition Era

Exploring the multi jurisdictional facets of competition law, Prof Anna Lamut discusses the example of automobile parts price-fixing investigation, which has seen investigations of and even judgments against automobile parts com

Dr Vijay Kumar Singh | License-Permit Raj to Competition Era

Prof Vijay Kumar Singh asks, how far have we moved from the license/permit raj to competition era? Does CCI disappoint you as well?

Prof Avirup Bose on Competition Law in India | Liberty vs. Equality

Prof Avirup Bose elaborates the central dilemma inherent in the functioning of India’s regulatory state, and how pro-market regulatory designs have not translated into conducive regulatory decisions as in-spite of independence and mandate.

Shruti Rajgopalan | Concept of Socialism vs. Constitutionalism in India | Liberty vs. Equality

There has been a decline in rule of law in India, reflected in the frequent amendments to the Indian Constitution. Shruti Rajgopalan, Asst.

Prof Satya Prateek on Reservations | Liberty vs. Equality

Focusing on the Indian Supreme Court’s understanding of the Right to Equality in general and state-sponsored affirmative action in particular, Prof Satyaprateek (JGLS) raised some inconvenient questions: Does the constitutional

Law and Liberty Conference 2015: Event Report

Event Date: 18 Sep To 19 Sep 2015; Time: 10:00AM to 06:00PM
Venue: O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India
Law and Liberty Conference 2015: Event Report
Watch the session videos here.
Donwload the PDF version of this report.

A two-day International Conference on Law and Liberty

iJustice – a public interest legal advocacy initiative of the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) in collaboration with The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) and Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) at the O.P. Jindal Global University jointly hosted the International Conference on “Law and Liberty” on 18-19 Sep at the University Campus in Sonipat.

Law and Liberty: a two-day international conference

Event Date: 18 Sep To 19 Sep 2015; Time: N/A
Venue: O P Jindal Global University

To read the event report click here.

The Federalist Society, iJustice – a public interest law initiative of Centre for Civil Society, Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) and Jindal School of Government and Public Policy (JSGP) are jointly organizing a two-day international conference on ‘Law & Liberty’ on 18-19 September 2015 at O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat (Haryana). The conference is being organized to give a platform for libertarian thought and to introduce a fresh perspective focused on the rule of law and individual liberty. The conference also intends to develop a libertarian critique of popular judicial discourse. There will be five panels and around fifteen panelists including Prof. Shruti Rajagopalan, Prof. James Huffman and Prof. Saikrishna Prakash. The conference is open to Indian and foreign legal academics, members of the Indian Bar and Bench and law students.

The themes for the conference can be accessed here. For more details click here.

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