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Asia Liberty Forum: Advancing Liberty & Markets in Asia

Event Date: 07 Jan To 09 Jan 2014; Time: N/A
Venue: The LaLit Hotel, New Delhi

Asia Centre for Enterprise (ACE) will host a public celebration of liberty aimed at Advancing Liberty & Markets in Asia, by bringing together 200 change makers, including some of the best liberal minds from Asia and around the world. The second Asia Liberty Forum will provide a much needed platform to identify critical issues plaguing Asia, explore strategies to face the challenges ahead, and generate ways to strengthen the liberal movement in this part of the world. ACE aspires to make the Asia Liberty Forum a crucial catalyst for connecting and supporting intellectual entrepreneurs in Asia.

Visit Asia Liberty Forum website for more details and registrations.

Are Markets Moral?

Event Date: 04 Jan To 05 Jan 2014; Time: N/A
Venue: Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Centre for Civil Society and the LeFrak Forum and the Symposium on Science, Reason, & Modern Democracy, a privately funded research center in the Political Science Department at Michigan State University are organizing this two day conference in New Delhi, India from 4-5 Jan 2014 to explore the complex relation between moral values and free market economics.

How does capitalism affect morality? What values does it elevate and empower? What values does it violate or undermine? Most importantly what values does it require in order to arise and flourish, and where are they to come from? These questions are not new. But neither are they stale or settled. They are kept alive by their complexity, by the continual shift of thought and of moral/economic circumstances, and by the inescapable importance that they have for our lives.

For more details and registration visit conference website.

5th School Choice National Conference

Event Date: 20 Dec 2013; Time: Starts at 09:00 am
Venue: India International Centre, New Delhi

School Choice Campaign (SCC) is a policy reform initiative of Centre for Civil Society (CCS) that aims to move India’s education system towards a school choice model that brings affordable and quality education of choice to all children. SCC is organising its fifth annual School Choice National Conference on Friday, 20 December 2013 at The Multi–Purpose Hall, India International Centre, New Delhi, India.

SCNC will provide a much needed platform to identify critical issues in the education sector, review existing programs, explore strategies to face the challenges ahead and ideate on ingenious solutions to provide quality education to all children in India.

To read the event report click here.

NISA School Leaders Summit

Event Date: 01 Dec 2012; Time: 9:30-18:00
Venue: Silver Oaks, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

India’s National Independent Schools Alliance (NISA) is organising its 1st annual School Leaders Summit on 5 December 2012. The Summit will bring together 175 budget private school leaders representing over 12,000 budget private schools to discuss challenges and existing gaps in the education system, and learn innovative practices to improve quality of schooling and student performance. The Summit will host a cross section of stakeholders such as investors, financial institutions, thought leaders, education service providers, principals of affordable school, proprietors and association heads.

To read event report click here.

School Choice National Conference - 2012

Event Date: 01 Dec 2012; Time: Not Available
Venue: IHC, New Delhi

SCNC 2012 will be the fourth national conference organised by Centre for Civil Society and it’s School Choice Campaign—promoting freedom of choice for parents to choose the school they wish to send their children to; efficient use of public funds and equity and quality through liberal policy reform in India. SCNC offers a space for open dialogue, to track the education policy, from the parliament to the classroom, to make an effort to align the disoriented wheel of delivery, to stop the evident leakages and to better the delivery of quality teaching and education services to the users rather than the makers.