Amit Kaushik |
Amit Kaushik was a civil servant for 20 years, joining the Indian Railway Accounts Service in 1987. During his time in the service, he held a variety of challenging assignments, including as Director in the Ministry of HRD, Government of India, where he was associated with the implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), as well as the drafting of the Right to Education Act.
He has consulted widely, with multilateral agencies like UNESCO and UNICEF, and has extensive experience of educational planning in India and other developing countries.
Since leaving government, he has worked with organisations like SRF, the NGO Pratham, and Educomp Schools. He is currently Practice Head, Education & Skills Development with IPE Global, a consulting firm that works in the development sector. |

Luis Miranda |
Former Chairman, IDFC Private Equity. Luis founded IDFC Private Equity in 2002 and was earlier a senior member of the start-up team at HDFC Bank. He is Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley Infrastructure and is involved with various non-profits related to human rights, education and health care. Luis got his MBA from Chicago Booth, where he was influenced by Chicago School economists George Stigler, Gary Becker and Gene Fama. |