Education World | November 2016
Dr. Parth Shah’s prescription
Dr. Parth J. Shah is founder-president of the Centre for Civil Society, Delhi.
- Separate government’s role as regulator, financier and provider of education.
- Use tools of per-student funding such as vouchers, direct cash transfers, and scholarships to improve efficiency and accountability of public spending and provide more choice to parents.
- Institute learning outcomes-based school recognition and regulation of government and private schools.
- Conduct National Achievement Survey (NAS) every year for both government and private schools.
- Participate in all future rounds of PISA and TIMSS.
- Make district the basic unit of education governance and revise roles of education officers to reorient school inspection.
- Create centralised district and state-level MIS (management information systems) for better governance, and place in public domain in formats that parents can understand and use.
- Establish independent education disputes resolution tribunals with robust online grievance redressal systems.
- Provide unique ID to all students, teachers and principals and maintain online portfolios of their work, training and performance.
- Allow innovations in education delivery mechanisms through blended learning, MOOCs and magnet schools for gifted and challenged students. Encourage charter and PPP schools.
- Amend the Companies Act for registration of schools as companies with for-profit and not-for-profit options.
Read the complete story on Education World website.