India extends support to Afghan think-tanks for strategic thinking, planning

New Delhi, Mar. 24 (ANI): India is a successful partner of Afghanistan in helping the think-tank organizations for strategic thinking and planning .

India is helping Afghanistan think-tanks in bringing real change in the lives of the people.

The idea is to exchange experiences, share the challenges and bring about a change in social development.

The Centre for Civil Society is a Delhi based think-thank which has partnered with Afghanistan think-tanks and is helping them in improving their livelihood.

CCS partners with a large network of think-tanks called the Atlas network which brings about 480 think-tanks.

India is partnered with Afghanistan Economic and Legal studies organization. India conducts training sessions, forums and events every year which is attended by Afghan Researchers and Scholars from different think-thank organizations.

"We share the training facility that we do for them so once in a year we meet say for example senior member of these thinks tanks of these organizations come and take part in three full day programme so throughout the three days one of the things that we do we majorly do is to look at everybody's annual plans in this year what are the plans and activities they have planned, what are the kinds of projects they are going to do and really make them think through," said Baishali Bohmjan, Director for Development for outreach, Centre for Civil Society.

The centre takes initiative in providing ideas to bring development in the lives of Afghan people.

"Of course there is lot of security threats but they feel that young people are ready to demand more freedom, demand greater peace, the youth are exceptionally vocal about what they want what they do not want and they are turning into activists. Last year we had about 20 young people from the youth organizations coming to CCS. We spent the whole day trying to talk about what are the ideas to change Afghanistan so its young people taking interest in what are the big top thing that can change Afghanistan and how do they go back and put this learning into their practice," added Bohmjan.

India as part of global community support s the cause of each country by exchange of thoughts, ideas and putting the challenges in a common platform and providing long term solutions for development. (ANI)

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